Thursday, November 10, 2011


INFIDELITY- yea it's bound to happen in a relationship people do cheat on their spouses in a relationship sometimes boyfriends/girlfriends tend to get bored with their relationships and want to find someone new to replace him/her maybe because the sex wasn't hot enough or maybe because he/she just wanted someone more fun than him/her .....

COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN - okay this tends to happen a lot now a day in a relationship where people will talk for a long time then after awhile communication stops like theirs less calling and less talking face to face.....

SEXUAL INCOMPATIBILITY- okay now talking about the sexual stuff if theres not enough sex in the relationship then the relationship will get really boring really fast and sometimes guys/girls will get mad or angry if his/her relationship doesn't have sex with them very often as he/she wants them too and this can be one of the major reasons why guys/girls tends to leave their relationship cause he/she isn't getting enough sex.....

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